Get the Tools and Coaching Your Community Needs to Implement a Collective Impact Model for Addressing ACEs and Expanding Trauma-Informed Practices.
Engage and equip your coalition with game-changing resources in this powerful 8-month program that helps you break down silos and begin working as a community to address the ACEs crisis that is devastating our children.
Watch this 60-second video
This is a “Learning by Doing” program on developing and implementing community-wide strategies for minimizing and addressing childhood trauma and for improving early childhood development.
We know people are busy. We’ve designed this to fit into your already-packed schedule.
This is appropriate for individuals, organizations, or coalitions—but the ideal is to have 5 to 10 or more people from a coalition advance their strategic collaboration.
The program is also well-suited for coalitions working to minimize things that CAUSE trauma—like homelessness, evictions, child abuse, domestic violence, substance abuse, or unmet mental health needs.
We will also be focusing on tapping into the ESSER Funding and other money available via the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).
Make the most out of an extraordinary, new (and free) resource, the ACEs & Resilience Resource Commons for Communities (ARRCC), by participating in this hands-on “learning by doing” program that will build you coalition’s capacity to have breakthrough success in helping children thrive.
Learn about the power of strategy maps and the ARRCC in this 7-minute video.
The ARRCC Action Network is the most comprehensive and affordable toolset for building resources to address ACE’s and Resilience in your community. Our unique approach to co-creating and implementing large-scale strategies for complex social issues will provide you with the skills to make your collaborative successful. The approach was featured in a peer-reviewed article in the Journal of Change Management, “Leading Social Transformation: Creating Value and Advancing the Common Good.” (See webinar.)
Many cities or regions have an existing coalition to work on ACEs, Trauma, and Resilience (ATR), and many have coalitions working on early childhood development. Unfortunately, most of these coalitions struggle with how to effectively mobilize, align and manage the many community organizations that should be part of the team working together on a journey of many years.
ACEs, Trauma & Resilience Coalitions are Facing Many Challenges:
Lack of Cooperation: Agencies don’t know how to partner together.
Lack of Alignment: Existing efforts are fragmented and therefore ineffective.
Lack of Coalescence: Partners can’t agree on roles and responsibilities
Lack of Time: Developing good multi-stakeholder strategies, plans, measures, and communication requires more time than busy staff have available.
Lack of Awareness of Powerful Resources: Partners can’t locate the best resources or can’t agree on resources to use.
Lack of Funder Alignment: Funders continue to set up competitive grant processes, causing agencies to compete.
Lack of understanding of how to get ESSER or other ARPA funding.
Option to Attend as an Individual or Organization
If you don’t expect your coalition to sign up for this program, you can still participate as a single organization or as an individual. (See registration page for details and participation fees.)
The ARRCC Action Network’s 2022 Program will help your community.
The following video goes over the details of the deliverables, agenda, and schedule of the 2022 program and answer your questions about the program.
As a Member of the ARRCC Action Network, You’ll Get Access to:
EDUCATION (eLearning Courses)
Overview on Community Strategy Management
Four hours of materials on these game-changing practices
Developing a Collaborative Strategy on Your ACEs-related Topic
Pre-workshop and post-workshop content for each month’s topics.Mastery Course on Community Strategy Management
A deeper dive into the key concepts (about 12 hours)
EVENTS (Live, Online Workshops)
Monthly 90-minute interactive content workshop
Work with Bill Barberg to apply the eLearning content for that month on specific content related to ACEs & Resilience. This session walks through examples of the techniques and the work of selected coalitions, creating an experiential learning process and the ability to learn from others.Monthly 90-minute theory and technique workshop on Community Strategy Management Techniques (Optional)
This workshop builds on the content from the “Mastery Course” and allows participants to get coaching on the strategy management techniques that can be used to significantly improve any collective impact effort.
EXPERTISE (Guidance from Bill Barberg)
Individualized Coaching Sessions
Focused coaching on your topic. Each coalition gets to pick a topic for the program (such as creating trauma-informed schools, some aspect of reducing domestic violence or expanding the establishment of trauma healing ministries around a community. Over the 8-month program, participating coalitions get six hours of Bill Barberg’s time to help them work on the details of their specific topic.Office Hours
Bill Barberg schedules monthly “Office Hours” like your professor in college did. It provides an extra opportunity where you can have him answer your specific questionsPeer Discussions
There will most likely be other coalitions working on the same issues as your coalition. You can meet up with them between the workshops and learn from each other.
ESSER Funding Support
The Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funding has over $121 BILLION in additional money that will be distributed to school districts to help with the challenges caused by the pandemic.
Early childhood and Trauma-related coalitions can team up with school districts and be funded to support pre-school or student success.
The ARRCC Action Network will encourage each coalition to work on one narrow topic and develop the detailed needed to request ESSER funding. Then, all the participants will share that information to enable their local school districts to more easily tap into this unprecedented funding.
As a Participant in the 2022 ARRCC Action Network, You Will:
Learn a methodology for addressing community-wide issues
Gain experience in using a process for co-designing solutions with your coalition and implementing them across your community
Learn how to elevate practices for achieving Collective Impact
Tap into a valuable online resource commons so you don’t need to “reinvent the wheel”
Contribute to the national body of knowledge around preventing and addressing ACEs
Learn “system thinking” approaches to build equity into the systems
Who is the ARRCC Action Network for?
Early Childhood coalitions, including those that are part of The Basics movement, Success by 6, and such.
ACEs, Trauma & Resilience (ATR) coalitions
Cradle to Career coalitions
Child abuse prevention coalitions
School districts striving to address equity issues, poor student performance, COVID-recovery, and all the topics mentioned above that can be funded with ESSER dollars. >> Click HERE to learn Why School Districts Should Participate in the ARRCC Action Network<<
The online format makes it easy to have many members of your coalition participate. This is especially valuable for people responsible for leading coalitions, such as people in health departments, hospital’s community health improvement leaders, United Ways, foundations, and community-based organizations. We also encourage all ARRCC participants to share the resources and knowledge across their coalition and community.
Option to Attend as an Individual or Organization
If you don’t expect your coalition to sign up for this program, you can still participate as a single organization or as an individual. (See registration page for details and participation fees.)
Learn What Our Participants Are Saying…
Meet Your Coach and Trainer
Bill Barberg
Co-founder of the Population Health Learning Collaborative. President and Founder of InsightFormation, Inc.
Bill Barberg, a co-founder of the Population Health Learning Collaborative, is the President and Founder of InsightFormation, Inc., a Minnesota-based consulting and technology company that helps communities, regions, and states address complex social and health issues that require multi-stakeholder collaboration. His deep background in strategy implementation has been featured in dozens of conference presentations and webinars, and he both organized and hosted the recent virtual summit on Innovations in Naturally Affordable Housing. He has been a pioneer in many projects that have pushed forward the practices for achieving Collective Impact on a wide range of issues—from addressing the opioid crisis to transforming housing re-developments into Communities of Hope in Detroit.
Bill was selected to write the chapter on “Implementing Population Health Strategies” for the book, “Solving Population Health Problems through Collaboration” (Routledge, 2017). His recommendations for using strategy maps is featured as a core recommendation in the new report by the National Academy of Public Administration. Bill recently co-authored a paper for the Journal of Change Management on “Leading Social Transformations to Create Public Value and Advance the Common Good”.
Learn more about Bill Barberg in this 6-minute video.