Chronic Disease — InsightFormation, Inc.

Improving Chronic Disease Management and health improvement collaboration

At Insightformation, we are proud to partner with diverse organizations that share a common goal: to improve the health of their communities. While each community is different, we know there are commonalities among the healthiest ones, and we strive to help create the conditions for success:

  • Align resources and programs to increase healthy eating and active living
  • Engage the community in screening referrals to increase early intervention
  • Build commitment to care coordination, secure information sharing, and coordinated case management for complex health issues
  • Address leading population health issues:
    • Diabetes
    • Teen pregnancy
    • Alcohol, tobacco, and drug misuse
    • Suicide
    • Opioid crisis
    • Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

Insightformation has trained and guided nationally recognized coalitions of hospitals, health departments, and community organizations in addressing chronic disease and related opportunities.