Transforming the Family Justice System — InsightFormation, Inc.
family justice system

Transforming the Family Justice System

Unprecedented gift from the Alberta Law Foundation enables the creation of a Centre for Transformation built around this case study.

See the article on the University of Calgary website here.

Learn additional details not included in the case study PDF.

family justice system


Like many large, complex legacy systems, the family justice system has long been the subject of numerous concerns, reports, and recommendations for change…


The Journey

By 2019, the efforts to develop a “common agenda” were struggling to get traction. Well-intentioned actions and inspiring conversations were not adding up to the type of change that the coalition aspired to achieve. Then Lowe attended a webinar on strategy mapping and the related techniques and tools hosted by InsightFormation, Inc…

geels framework

Geels Framework

The Geels framework describes a way of working to achieve socio-technical transitions by using what they refer to as a Multi-Level Perspective.

strategy map design

Strategy Map Techniques

When the strategy map is focused on system transformation, there are valuable principles that can be incorporated into the strategy map design…

impact brain study


Significant progress has been made in the work to shift mental models by increasing the understanding of brain science and trauma.

Use of the InsightVision platform

Online collaborative strategy development and implementation platform that supports collective impact and system transformation initiatives.