The Power of Strategy Mapping to Improve Collective Impact and System Change
Live In- Person Workshop | Thursday, September 5th | 1:00 - 3:00 PM
United Way of Calgary & Area (UWCA) Office - Kahanoff Building, 105 12 Ave SE, Calgary, AB T2G 1A1.
This interactive workshop will be ideal for people involved with coalitions or organizations involved with addressing complex social, economic, environmental, health or justice issues that call for collective impact or system change that is bigger than what individual organizations can accomplish. Bill Barberg will be sharing how a co-created strategy map can be a valuable framework to tame the complexity, break down silos, improve alignment of the work of different organizations or coalitions, and serve as a framework for measurement, evaluation and learning.
The workshop will also be valuable for individuals and organizations that are not in a position to lead major efforts to address complex issues in the community but who want to find ways that they can support greater teamwork and success.
United Way of Calgary & Area (UWCA) and the Alliance against Violence and Adversity (AVA), led by the University of Calgary, have both engaged InsightFormation to support their efforts on Strategy Management at Scale and the use of the techniques and tools related to strategy mapping.
While in Calgary to do workshops and meetings for those organizations, it was decided that Bill would offer an additional, free workshop on the value and techniques for strategy mapping. The more organizations (and funders) working with a shared strategic framework—what Michael Quinn Patton calls a “Theory of Transformation”—the greater the likelihood of making significant and sustainable progress.
In this workshop, Bill will walk through a few case studies showing how strategy mapping allows many more organizations (and individuals) to play valuable roles in a long-term effort to impact system changes or positive impacts for challenges that are too big and complex for any single organization to address. He will also be sharing some of the specific ways that upgrading to these techniques and language can enable greater impact with less waste and stress.
The value of strategy mapping is gaining support in many different sectors, as shared in this 11-minute video introduction. It is part of a set of techniques for Strategy Management at Scale (SM@S).
The in-person workshop will be small—fewer than 30 people—so participants will be able to ask questions and engage in some interactive exercises. Participants will also learn about others in Alberta that are adopting these techniques, upgrading from program-centered and organization-centered practices.
This workshop will also be very appropriate for foundations or other funders that want to see greater positive impact and greater efficiency for the grants that they make.
Bill will also be sharing free access to an eLearning course on the Fundamentals of Community Strategy Engagement for people who attend in person on September 5 or 6. (The same workshop is being done on September 6 for organizations that have been invited by UWCA).
If you’d like to attend, please click the register button and fill out a brief form and we’ll save you a spot (unless we’ve hit our capacity limit).
Bill Barberg is the President and Founder of InsightFormation, Inc., a Minnesota-based consulting and technology company that helps communities, regions, and states address complex social and health issues that require multi-stakeholder collaboration. His deep background in strategy implementation has been featured in dozens of conference presentations and webinars, and he both organized and hosted the recent virtual summit on Innovations in Naturally Affordable Housing. He has been a pioneer in many projects that have pushed forward the practices for achieving Collective Impact on a wide range of issues—from addressing the opioid crisis to transforming housing re-developments into Communities of Hope in Detroit.
Bill was selected to write the chapter on “Implementing Population Health Strategies” for the book, “Solving Population Health Problems through Collaboration” (Routledge, 2017). His recommendations for using strategy maps is featured as a core recommendation in the new report by the National Academy of Public Administration. Bill recently co-authored a paper for the Journal of Change Management on “Leading Social Transformations to Create Public Value and Advance the Common Good”. He is also a co-author of the paper, The Future of Public Service and Strategy Management at Scale, feature in Policy Quarterly.