Strategy-Aligned Research to Accelerate Dementia Prevention and Care — InsightFormation, Inc.

Strategy-Aligned Research to Accelerate Dementia Prevention and Care

There have been countless research projects in the past few decades on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD), but far too little progress in developing, refining, validating, and scaling up the best innovations to prevent (or at least delay) the devastating symptoms of ADRD.

Strategy-Aligned Research (SAR) is an approach to aligning and accelerating the research efforts of many different organizations to achieve greater progress on social impact that the researchers and research funders are seeking to have.   SAR was pioneered in Engineering Research Centers funded in the U.S. by the National Science Foundation, but the approach is being adopted to align and improve the impact of social science research related to reducing gender-based violence and family adversity in Canada and other topics.


This webinar will introduce how SAR is aligning research findings related to strategies for ADRD prevention and caregiving.  The focus is on non-pharma interventions which often don't get the level of funding that goes into pharma-centered research.


A note about the webinar platform…

This webinar will be done using a new platform, WebinarTV. When you visit the registration page, you will need to enter an email address and create a password. This will automatically create a free WebinarTV account. You will then be able to log in to view live webinars and recordings using your new account. Please check to make sure the webinar is correctly added to your calendar. (You might need to add it to your schedule manually.)



Bill Barberg, President & Founder of InsightFormation, Inc.

Founder of the Population Health Learning Collaborative, LLC.

Co-author of the peer-reviewed article in the Journal of Change Management (2021)

Leading Social Transformations: Creative Public Value and Advancing the Common Good


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